"A life that is not documented is a life that within a generation or two will largely be lost to memory."
- Elder Dennis B. Neuenschwander

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Easter Sunday

Tyson and his mom.
We had dinner at Tyson's parents.  It was a beautiful day and they have a beautiful yard.  We spent most of our time out there.  Tyson's dad, Dennis showed them boys a bunch of stuff from his days working as a draftsman for a mine.  He had a lot of cool rocks which Kaleb especially loved.  I also took a few impromptu picks of our neice Holdyn.  She is a  cutie!  Kellen loves to look and smile at her.  However, when we tried to get a picture of him holding her he wasn't as thrilled with that.  Finally Tyson's sister, Shanda, bribed him with a cookie.  That was enough for him to put his arm around her.  He's still my baby but looks so big compared to Holdyn. 

I loved this picture.  Her little baby feet all dirty from grandma's flower bed.

Happy Holdyn!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Sounds like a good day.