"A life that is not documented is a life that within a generation or two will largely be lost to memory."
- Elder Dennis B. Neuenschwander

Thursday, September 25, 2014


I've started walking 3 days a week.  I've been doing it for 3 weeks now.  I always have plans and good intentions but often don't follow through, especially with exercise of some sort.  Every year for the past several years I've said, "When school starts I'm going to walk after I drop the kids off."  I have never actually done it...until this year.  So, for me, it's a big deal.
I have a route I take by the river and I love it.  Everyone I pass is friendly and either smiles and nods or says good morning.  I didn't realize how much it lifts my spirits to see people and never even have a conversation with them.  I don't know them but just a smile and hello works wonders. 
I also love my little walking buddy, Kellen.  He is a light for me every day and I 'm grateful for his sweet spirit in our home.

This little guys loves throwing rocks.

One morning I decided to take my camera along.  It was a beautiful morning.  I also let Kellen out of the jogger that day, which I never do.  He threw some rocks into the river while I took some pictures.  I won't do that often because it ended up adding a half and hour to my usual walking time.  I try to keep up a good, brisk pace that gets my heart pumping and my legs itching.  It feels good to be moving.  Here are some of the things I saw along my way.
Part of the path before it turns to a dirt trail.  Isn't it beautiful?

Fall is coming is here!



Melissa said...

Wow those pictures are beautiful Rachelle. Well done.
I'm glad you're walking. Good for you.

adventuresofthecrazies said...

Your photography gets better and better all the time.
You are amazing! i miss you and T!

Laurie said...

you live in a beautiful place. Wish we lived closer then we could walk together:)