"A life that is not documented is a life that within a generation or two will largely be lost to memory."
- Elder Dennis B. Neuenschwander

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wonderful Experience

That's what missionary work is all about! PreparetoServe.com

As I was flying home from Denver on Saturday I had an awesome missionary experience.  When it was my time to board the plane it was pretty full.  As I walked down the aisle I was scanning the crowded seats to find a spot.  About half way back I noticed a window seat available.  It was one of the only ones left. 

In the middle seat was a little boy and a man, probably in his fifties, sat in the aisle seat.  I asked if the seat was available and he said it was.  As I slid past I could see the little boy was watching Thomas the Train on a little phone.  I told him that my little boys loves that show.  The man told me that this was his grandson who lived in Nampa.  The man was from Tennessee and he had flown to Boise, 2 weeks earlier, to pick up his grandson and take him to stay with he and his wife.  He was on my flight to take his grandson back to his mom. 

He asked me how many kids I have and I told him 4 boys.  He said, "Wow!"  He only had one son. He started to tell me about a lady he sat by on an earlier flight who had 28 grandchildren.  He said that she told him she was Mormon and we liked big families.  I told him I was a Mormon too. :)

I didn't think much there would be much response to that but I was wrong.  He went on about how he wanted to go to Salt Lake and see the tabernacle.  He loves the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.  He said, "Isn't there a building there that only Mormons can go into?" I told him he was probably referring the  temple and that those who are able to go need to be living certain standards to go inside but that not even all Mormons can go in...just those who are worthy by living a certain way.  I told him it's like that because its a sacred, special place.  I also told him that anyone could go inside if they were willing to take the steps necessary.

 He said he was fascinated about church history and Joseph Smith.  I told him about the church history museum where he could learn all about that and see some really cool stuff. 

Can I just say it was so amazing talking to someone about that gospel who was genuinely interested, and he really was.  His fervent interest just reminded me of what I can sometimes take for granted, having the true gospel in my life.  Many of those who don't have it yearn for the truth and I could tell he was one of those people.

He said he loves to watch BYUtv.  He is impressed with the uplifting content and shows.  His favorite show is called American Ride about a Mormon biker/history teacher who takes people on a tour of history from the back of his Harley-Davidson.

He also told me about his time in the military.  He had a commander who was a member of the church who he was really impressed with and respected very much. 

He asked me how to find out when the Sunday meetings were in our chapels. He's tried to find out and hasn't been able to. He said in the south all the churches have the times of the meetings on their signs outside their buildings.  He said that he drove by an LDS chapel as a FedEx driver and was wanting to know what time they have their meetings because it didn't say so on the outside of the chapel.  I told him none of the buildings have the time.  But, I said, typically the first meeting would be at 9 am and he could just show up.  I told him everyone is welcome. 

He said that his wife said she would come if he ever wanted to go.  He told me how he would see cars there early on Sunday mornings.  I told him it was probably the leaders of the congregations having their meetings before church started. 
He talked about seeing youth their early in the morning during the week so that led to a brief conversation about seminary.  He seemed really impressed with the youth.

He talked about being impressed with our young men and women serving missions.  He talked about David Archuleta, he's a fan, and how impressed he was that he would put stardom to the side to serve a mission. 
The whole time I felt like there was a sign flashing over his head saying, "I'm ripe and ready to hear and accept the gospel message!" 

I told him about general conference and that it would be on BYUtv.  Maybe he'll tune it...I hope so. He said that when he got back to Tennessee he would stop by one of our meetings. 

I keep praying for him, praying that he'll have the courage to follow that prompting and curiosity and go to a church meeting.  I could tell he was really searching for something and he seemed so impressed with the LDS church.
Another example to him was Mitt Romney.  He went on about how he thought he was a stand up guy and was so disappointed that he lost. 
I know this is a lot of details about my conversation with this guys but I don't want to forget it.  He seemed so ready to hear and accept the gospel message.  I hope and pray that he will. :)


Melissa said...

What was going on in Denver?
How come you haven't blogged about that trip?
Great job on the missionary work.

Unknown said...

WOW! That is such a great experience. There truly is nothing like the feeling of being able to share the gospel, especially with someone who is so eager to listen and learn. Proud of you, chick-a-dee!