Being sick stinks!! Especially when life keeps going and you have to keep going to or it will all unravel. I've had a nasty cold the past 3 weeks. I think I'm coming out of it...finally. But, it's really taken it's toll. I'm sleep deprived and physically and emotionally drained right now.
Yesterday my friend helped me move some furniture around, big pieces of furniture, one being my piano. It was a spontaneous, impulsive thing. Probably not the best idea when I'm still feeling a bit under the weather but I was desperate for a change. Could it be because I've been laying around my house the past several weeks?
Moving the furniture didn't take too long but it killed my arms. They are not used to much activity I guess. Last night they kept me up most of the night throbbing and sore. Finally, at 3:00am, after hours of tossing, turning and coughing I had a mini melt down. I had a good cry for a while and took some ibuprofen for my arms. I was able to finally rest for several hours before greeting the day.
I think I'll have another lazy day of laying on the couch...guilt free. Now, where is the chocolate?! ;)
Oh no Rachelle, sorry man. You should be like me and once furniture is in it's place, never move it, even an inch, for the rest of it's life!!! Hahahahaha
It stinks being sick as a mother cause you don't get to take a 'sick day' you know, kids needs you no matter what so somehow we have to figure out how to cope with our daily things not changing but feeling miserable.
Being a good mother is the ultimate sacrifice, it makes us better right?
I am with you... I am so done with being sick! Aargh! You know, my arms have been numb the past two days too... wondering if maybe it has to do with illness, or at least being weakened and so if you do anything (I tried running while pushing the stroller) then they hurt! Being sick is no fun, ever. Hope you feel all the way better soon!
P.S. next time you need furniture moved call me. :-)
I HATE HATE HATE illness in me or around me. I have had it in my house for the last 3 weeks and I am done!! D.O.N.E.
you need to take care of you. Moving furniture is always hard call some lovelies around you to get that done!
Being an awesome mother makes the whole world a better place, you make my life better for being in it! <3
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