"A life that is not documented is a life that within a generation or two will largely be lost to memory."
- Elder Dennis B. Neuenschwander

Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

Mother's Day was a good one.  Tyson always makes it special.  I'm not the easiest woman to live with and appreciate his efforts to make me feel special, despite that. :)  He makes the meals, does the dishes, basically tries to make it a day where I don't have to do anything.  I love him for it!  My boys pitch in to and try to make me feel special too.  Kaleb spent some of his chore money to buy me chocolates and a balloon.  He also made something special at school.  Matt made me a card at church that said Bob on front instead of mom...always the clown that boy. :)  Ian made me a special bowl at preschool. 

I love being a mother, I really do.  It is hard, much harder than I ever expected and it's taught me a lot about myself...good and bad.  Somedays are great and other days are a challenge but in the end I wouldn't want to be doing anything else.  Sometimes I look at my boys and my heart overflows with love for those sweet boys.  They are each special in their own way.  They may challenge me at times but when I look past that I can see wonderful, valiant spirits who want to love and be loved.  Heavenly Father has blessed them each with talents, strengths and special character traits and it is my job to help bring those out.  It's my job to teach them who they are as children of God and know that they are meant for great things...to feel that to the very core! 

Heavenly Father has blessed me with 4 spirits that are so precious to Him.  I'll try my best.  I may fall short at times but luckily I can always start again and keep trying.  I'm grateful that Heavenly Fathers has given me the tools and directions to help me along my way. 

It was like sitting in front of a wind machine.


Melissa said...

Great, great pictures Rachelle. You've got some special boys there.
Glad the day was so wonderful.

adventuresofthecrazies said...

I live that your boys always seem to he half nekked. You need a farm for those boys! Oh and thanks be to the Man upstairs Tyson isnt half nekked!

with Mari van Ormer said...

Beautiful family. Love. :-)