"A life that is not documented is a life that within a generation or two will largely be lost to memory."
- Elder Dennis B. Neuenschwander

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Cute Couple

While my parents were in town I took some pictures of them.  They are a cute couple aren't they?

 Kellen fell down running along the path.  We quickly distracted him and he was fine.  However 15 minutes later he noticed the scrape on his knee and started to cry and hobble to me.  Funny boy. :) 

 My dad grabbed this long stick and was hearding Kellen with it.  At first Kellen was a little nervous soon realized it was a game.
 My mom looks so great in this picture but my dad licked her face.  Come on dad...seriously! ;)  As I was taking pictures of them I would tell them to look at each other and other corny things like that.  My dad said, "This is weird."  That made me laugh out loud.  I love these guys!

Mom, wiping her face.

1 comment:

with Mari van Ormer said...

You mom has really beautiful skin… she has the runner's glow. :-) The pictures are really precious. And you look just like your mom -- your future looks bright! ;-)