"A life that is not documented is a life that within a generation or two will largely be lost to memory."
- Elder Dennis B. Neuenschwander

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


There just seems to be a lot of sad things going on around me.  It's with people I know as acquaintances and people I love and care about.  Sometimes it weighs heavy on me, so much that I dream about them.  Much of the situations have brought me to tears.  I have a hard time not internalizing things.  It seems like peoples lives are falling apart around me.

Some of it is due to choices.  Sometimes I can see both sides and get frustrated at the way things are being handled.  I have to remind myself that it's not my life and there is always more than meets the eye.  I don't know all the details nor is it my place too.  This is why I can't and shouldn't judge.  However I do find myself judging and have to make an effort not too.

 I am not a perfect person, my family isn't perfect, my marriage isn't perfect.  My life is always a constant work in progress, just trying to figure it out as I go along like most people.  I am happy for the most part but I have my struggles and all of us do.  For this reason I should never judge.

Recent events in the lives of family and friends just overwhelms me with all sorts of emotions.  I feel sad, frustrated, judgmental and more.  I have to step back and try and not over analyze too much, which is hard for me.  I analyze pretty much everything and always have.  I shouldn't analyze when I probably only see a 1/4 of the whole picture. 

It seems all I can do in these situations is offer my prayers and not my judgments.  I need to help where I can but not become consumed by the glumness of it all and try harder to be a little better for me and my family.

Man, sometimes when it rains it pours. 


adventuresofthecrazies said...

You know sometimes I feel the same way, but then I remember how awesome you are and some of the other women I love. I realize that I don't have time to be overwhelmed with sadness...I have to be happy so when I see awesome people like you I can be happy! Anxiety (sadness, whatever) I banish thee to outer darkness...(just think this thought and happiness comes)
I love love love you Rachelle

with Mari van Ormer said...

Love. :-)