"A life that is not documented is a life that within a generation or two will largely be lost to memory."
- Elder Dennis B. Neuenschwander

Thursday, June 12, 2014


I know I've put a wrestling post before but I loved these pictures I got the other night.  Tyson and the boys LOVE to wrestle.  It is loud and crazy and I'm always surprised no one gets hurt.  They all pile on Tyson, Kellen included.  What really makes me laugh is it's like a wrestling/cuddling session.  Tyson gives headlocks and kisses all at the same time. 



Melissa said...

He's obviously a father or all boys and was meant to be.
Cute, cute.

Melissa said...

that's *of all boys.

adventuresofthecrazies said...

This happens at my house ALL the TIME! I am glad that Shane is not the only one who does this with his kiddos. He used to do this with the girls too. Love love love

adventuresofthecrazies said...

OH and look at that awesome carpet!! Its SOOO clean!!!!

Laurie said...

My kids do the same with Eric even the girls:)