"A life that is not documented is a life that within a generation or two will largely be lost to memory."
- Elder Dennis B. Neuenschwander

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Beach Party

Our bishop runs the scout camp in McCall.  One of the perks for the ward is the annual summer get together at the camps private beach on Payette Lake.  It is such a beautiful place with lots to do. We have access to the camps canoes, kayaks, rowboats and paddle boards. 
Tyson and Matt were already at the camp during the week that lead up to the party.  I drove up on Saturday morning with some good friends.  It was fun to chat during the ride and it was a nice change to be up in the mountains.  I love the smell and the views of the lake are gorgeous. 
We all had a good time besides some sunburns, especially my friends kids. The kids spent hours in the water without reapplying sunscreen often enough.  Time just flies by and before you know it the day is over and the sunburns start to get really painful! 
Overall a great day and a few lessons about the virtues of sunscreen. :)

 Kaleb on the kayak.

 Ian preferred to play in the sand rather than the water.  He would poor it all over himself, even dumping it on his head.  He was super dirty!


Melissa said...

Great shots Rachelle. I'm sad we missed it. Too much fun in Stanley I guess.

adventuresofthecrazies said...

your boys are so handsome! post more so I can watch them grow! I will be calling you for picts again!!! i love love love you Rachelle!