"A life that is not documented is a life that within a generation or two will largely be lost to memory."
- Elder Dennis B. Neuenschwander

Friday, August 15, 2014

13 Years

Thirteen years ago Tyson and I were married, in the San Diego Temple, for time and all eternity.  Wow, time does really fly.  A lot has happened in 13 years.  Tyson and I have grown and changed in ways I could never have anticipated.  Our love for each other grows deeper with each year as we go through life together.  He is my best friend.  He makes me laugh and tries so hard to make me happy.  I can sometimes be hard to please and a little hormonal but he is patient with me. ;)  He is an awesome dad to our kids.  He loves them and he loves me...for that I am grateful.

I am so grateful for that day, a little over 13 years ago that I was introduced to that tall, dark and handsome, blue eyed boy at the Hayden Idaho institute.  I was smitten right off and it seemed he was too!

A little back story....
After two years of college I was feeling a little antsy and unsettled.  I was trying to decide what I was going to do with my life.  Of course there is the obvious, finish college.  But, I was thinking seriously of serving a mission.
I went to my bishop at the end of the semester, right before summer break.  He was very excited about my possible decision to serve a mission.  He told me his wife served a mission and he only wanted to marry a returned missionary.  He gave me the papers and I took them home with me and set them on a shelf in my closet. 

I honestly don't remember what happened to them.  I never felt quite sure about it and what happened next told me why.  A few weeks later I went to live with my sister for the summer, as planned, and met Tyson that first week at the institute.  I guess the rest is history. 

I realized that unsettled feeling and a desire to find out what I really wanted to do at that point in my life was because of the huge change and blessing of meeting Tyson.  It was all part of the plan the Lord had for my life.

I remember, before leaving to my sisters, my roommate said I'll probably meet the one that summer.  I laughed it off.  Of course I would meet him at the church college I was attending and planned to continue attending in the fall right? There were buckets full of great guys there. ;)  Well, I'm glad her guess turned out to be true. 

The longer I'm married to Tyson the clearer I can see that it was all inspired and he was meant for me!  Love you Tyson...forever!
Here are some throwback pictures.  The one below was during the time we were engaged.  Tyson loved to jam with these two guys.  Man, I loved that hate Tyson always wore.  He looked so good in it.  What a good lookin' guy!

Tyson doesn't look too thrilled in the picture but he was totally thrilled to be engaged to me! ;)
The picture was taken the day we decided to get married.  The official proposal came later.  This was a Sunday and we had done a lot of praying and fasting that day to come to a decision that we wanted forever with each other and that the Lord wanted that too.  I guess you could say we got His seal of approval that day. :)
 One of our engagement pictures.

North Idaho Reception

Wedding Day

California Reception.  We were nice and gentle with the cake.  Cheesy right?  Now I would just shove it in his face. ;)

 13 years later...all because two people fell in love.



Melissa said...

You guys seriously look like your 13 and 14 years old hahahahaha
Love all these pic's.
Matt is the spitting image of you Rachelle. I never saw it before but those younger shots totally show it.
Great post.

Marsha said...

Most adorable post I've ever seen!! Love those pics!

with Mari van Ormer said...

Love you guys! You do look so young… you both look really, really, young! It is certain that you were meant to be together. I'm so glad you found each other! It always amazes me how love works, and finding that one person meant for you -- WOW!

Happy Thought, Indeed! said...

I was going to say that neither one of you has hardly changed at all! You are so pretty!