"A life that is not documented is a life that within a generation or two will largely be lost to memory."
- Elder Dennis B. Neuenschwander

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Blast from the Past

My friend Stacey found this picture of us from elementary school and sent it to me.  It's so fun to see old pictures.  When I look at the picture I see Matt 100% in my face. He seems to be a carbon copy of me.  After he saw this picture he said that for Halloween all he needed was an 80's style wig and he could be me. lol!  I happen to think my hair looks pretty tame for the 80's hair...no big bangs


Melissa said...

I see Ian in you too and I totally thought Ian was all Tyson. Just goes to prove that either a) I don't know what I'm talking about (more likely) or b) it's simply amazing how much of us are in our kids.
I love all these old pic's. Keep 'em coming.

Unknown said...

Oh, I love this picture! Matt is you. You always have been beautiful! Sure do love you!