"A life that is not documented is a life that within a generation or two will largely be lost to memory."
- Elder Dennis B. Neuenschwander

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


I saw these olives at the store and had to try them.  My grandpa used to can olives.  I know nothing about the process.  All I know is that they were green, still had the pits and they were the best olives I've ever tasted.  Lots of my memories surrounding my time at my grandparents house have to do with food.  They always had dehydrated plums, canned apricots, oranges from their tree and these olives. 
Besides my grandpa's olives I've only seen the bitter green ones with the red thing in them....yuck!  When I saw the can of green olives that said smooth and buttery I wondered if they tasted like my grandpa's...not even close.  They were all right.  They tasted mostly like the black ones.  I've come to the conclusion that until you've tasted my grandpa's green olives you haven't truly tasted an olive! ;) 

Here is a picture I love of my grandpa.  It was taken at his families farm I think.  As Tyson has said on more than one occasion, "Your Grandpa was a stud!".  I would have to agree. :)


Melissa said...

Awwwww sorry Rachelle. I'm sad they weren't as good.
I love that Tyson thinks your pops was a stud!!
I bet he was.

The Holden Family said...

Yum, i would like to try your grandpa's olives!! :)