"A life that is not documented is a life that within a generation or two will largely be lost to memory."
- Elder Dennis B. Neuenschwander

Friday, February 20, 2015

Social Media

I have mixed feelings about social media.  I love the opportunity to keep up with friends and family.  I know it is a good way to let your light shine.  It is a good opportunity to share the gospel. 
However, there are times where I wonder, "Why?" 
Why am I on here again today?
Why do I have so many friends that I barely know? 

It really is an inward struggle for me.  How do I find that balance?  When is it too much?  I left a link to a video that I loved about social media.  It is called 'Look Up'.  A lot of things in the video resonated with me.  It points out the pitfalls/downsides of social media if we aren't careful.  It points out the things we can miss because of us always looking down.


( I can't remember if I've already shared this video but it's worth re-watching.)

Although we live in a world of advanced technology that is a blessing, we need to be careful of getting too tangled up in it. 

I want me children to know how to carry on a face to face conversation with people.  I want them to be outside and active and running around with friends, not sitting their with their noses in some kind of device texting their friends instead of talking to them. 

This is not a 'holier than thou post.'  Social media is a real struggle for me.  Therefore, the reason for this post.

Although it has a draw for me I feel myself tired of the constant connection to people, at least that kind of connection, kind of a superficial connection.  Not in all cases but some.  It really makes me feel emotionally and physically tired.

Maybe you are reading this and thinking, "This lady has some issues she needs to figure out."  Maybe I do.  But this is part of my process of doing that I guess.
I'm just kind of thinking out loud as I ramble along here.

Basically I think we all need to evaluate, every once in a while, our time on social media and our relationships with people around us.

Lets make sure we take the time to sit and talk with people face to face or talk to someone on the phone.

No need for comments about the convenience of texting, or the blessings of social media. :) As I said above I'm aware of them and agree with them.   I'm on Facebook and will continue to be so, maybe a break here and there. ;)  I text.  I love the convenience of it and I will continue to do it but sometimes things just call for a face to face or at least a listen with our ears. 

I saw a picture that a photographer caught of a man sitting on his sailboat browsing his phone. 
A whale surfaces right next to his boat and he doesn't even look up and notice.  Here is a link to an article about it.


To me there is an analogy in this picture.

That analogy is this...

We just need to remember to look up at the people and world around us.  We need to look up from our phones and computers and see the things around us.  The world around us will keep on moving and we need to fully be apart of that. 

Nothing can replace real human interaction with others.  It's still important and essential to our experience as spiritual beings on this earth. 

This post is more a reminder for me than anyone else. 

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