"A life that is not documented is a life that within a generation or two will largely be lost to memory."
- Elder Dennis B. Neuenschwander

Friday, August 21, 2015

Blog Changes

I've made some changes to my blog, nothing big or fancy just different then before.  I look at my blog as more of a journal.  I know I've said this before.  However sometimes when I write I think I write with people currently reading it in mind, though I can only think of one who does. :)  I think that alters my writing some.

Someday my blog will be read by my children and their children and so on.  I always get excited to hear stories from my family history and I think those generations that follow us will want to hear the stories and thoughts of our family. I've decided to change the format of my blog.  Rather then writing for those who may or may not read my blog now I've decided to address my family present and future.  I'm going to do it in a letter format, with my posterity in mind.

The stories of my life and my families life will be important to others someday.  Just as the stories of my ancestors are important to me.  There is something exciting about being connected to family, past and present.  It also makes me feel the need to jump in and start doing some family history!  Family history instead of Facebook sounds nice.  I guess I better head to the family history center for some help in getting started. :)


Melissa said...

Sounds and looks great.

Mom said...

Love it!